About The Echnology


Not just a weak pun…

I’ve been helping neighbours, family, friends, local government bodies, and charities with all manner of tech related issues and queries for years.

In 2020, I decided to start a proper business for my projects, with options to explore new facets of all the things I find interesting.

From Jan 2024 onwards I’m not accepting any new customers, due to my participation in a large project that’s expected to monopolise my time.

So what do I actually do?

General purpose IT problem solving. PC repair, build, and upgrade. Advise or make recommendations for either of the above.

So what don’t I do?

I won’t build, run or maintain you a website. I’m currently already doing more of that than I would like for various organisations I am involved with.

Things that require a qualified electrician. Running cables, fixing and adding mains wiring are all things that I’m not qualified to do, and will not “have a go” at. My interest in power and data cabling terminates wherever they enter a wall.